Contexts# 5.0 can record separate coverage data for different contexts during one run of a test suite. Pytest-cov can use this feature to record coverage data for each test individually, with the --cov-context=test option.

The context name recorded in the database is the pytest test id, and the phase of execution, one of “setup”, “run”, or “teardown”. These two are separated with a pipe symbol. You might see contexts like:|run[1-101]|setup|run

Note that parameterized tests include the values of the parameters in the test id, and each set of parameter values is recorded as a separate test.

To view contexts when using --cov-report=html, add this to your .coveragerc:

show_contexts = True

The HTML report will include an annotation on each covered line, indicating the number of contexts that executed the line. Clicking the annotation displays a list of the contexts.