========= Releasing ========= The process for releasing should follow these steps: #. Test that docs build and render properly by running ``tox -e docs,spell``. If there are bogus spelling issues add the words in ``spelling_wordlist.txt``. #. Update ``CHANGELOG.rst`` and ``AUTHORS.rst`` to be up to date. #. Bump the version by running ``bumpversion [ major | minor | patch ]``. This will automatically add a tag. Alternatively, you can manually edit the files and run ``git tag v1.2.3`` yourself. #. Push changes and tags with:: git push git push --tags #. Wait for `AppVeyor `_ and `Travis `_ to give the green builds. #. Check that the docs on `ReadTheDocs `_ are built. #. Make sure you have a clean checkout, run ``git status`` to verify. #. Manually clean temporary files (that are ignored and won't show up in ``git status``):: rm -rf dist build src/*.egg-info These files need to be removed to force distutils/setuptools to rebuild everything and recreate the egg-info metadata. #. Build the dists:: python3.4 setup.py clean --all sdist bdist_wheel #. Verify that the resulting archives (found in ``dist/``) are good. #. Upload the sdist and wheel with twine:: twine upload dist/*